Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Fall is here!

Fall brought on cooler temps, more visitors and a growth spurt!  Oh boy... :)


Grandpa Bill's first visit with Connor

Had to include Bailee girl too!

Trying out his new high chair

Pumpkin Patch!!

Milestones & Visitors

Over the next few months Connor has hit most of his milestones :) Moving, talking, drooling, laughing and starting to recognize mommy and daddy!  Lots of exciting events and visitors as well...


Auntie M's first visit :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Happy Beginnings!

After our arrival home, life went into fast forward with Connor growing by leaps and bounds!  Our little newborn baby was growing so fast already - right before our eyes. :)

First Month

Sleep, sleep, sleep!

Eyes open, yay!

Play time on Connor's activity mat :)

After one month of growing and lots of sleeping, Connor was hitting all of his milestones!  His second month would bring a bigger appetite, bigger clothes and smiles! 

He went from a sleepy baby... an active little baby boy!
Nap time with Dad


 Month three is sure to bring many more adventures and milestones - we can't wait!

Monday, August 1, 2011

An Early Arrival!

Rewind to early June...

As we prepared for our little guys arrival - he was due July 1, 2011 - we got one heck of a surprise when I started having contractions on the morning of June 4th!  After a frantic call to the doctor we were off to the hospital and Connor James Arent was born June 5th, 2011 at 12:03 am.  He was a healthy 7lbs 10oz and 19 inches long! 

Steve and I were so happy to hear that despite being 4 weeks early he was a healthy little boy!  He had a bit of jaundice and spent some time in the NICU, but we were all able to go home after just a few days :)

Connor and Dad

Proud Grandpa :)

On our way home!

First days at home...

These are just a few from Connor's first moments and days..there are many more to come!